Recommended sources for my books

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Recommended sources for purchasing my books

I am not a seller or retailer and I don't want to become one. I only sell a limited number of copies here so that I can send dedicated copies to my readers who cannot come to a reading. I can only offer copies that I have previously bought myself from my publisher. That is why not all the books I have published can be found here.

On this author's page you can only order books that are to be personalised with a dedication. Of course, there is no extra charge for this. The author will send them to you free of charge within Germany.

For books that are not offered here, I recommend the following sources of supply:

The books are also available in other online shops or you can order them from the bookseller of your choice. If I am in your neighbourhood for readings, I will be happy to sign them on site if you wish. Just bring your book with you.

There are no products to list in this category.


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